Dr.Soma Valliappan



Dr. Soma Valliappan having Varied, in-depth experience and understanding of factories and corporate, Offers customized training programs /interventions. This helps organizations' build on their employess' Self-esteem, Confidence and efficiency at work. Feedbacks show that his training programs have brought about great attitudinal change in Employees and have resulted in visible business development.

He is a corporate trainer and has designed and delivered hundreds of programs for Senior Management, Middle management and also for Blue-collar associates. Other than the regular and general training programs, Dr.Soma Valliappan designs organisation specific, situation/issue/need specific interventions and training programs and delivers. Organisations which have utilized the consulting/training services of Dr.Soma Valliappan includes the following.

Training & Capacity Building

* Enhancing Employee engagement all Levels

* Managerial Skills

* Emotional Intelligence for and in Business development & Sales

* Effective use of Time (For Executive and Managers)

* Productive Communcation

* Leadership development Program( a set of 5 full days program in 5 weeks)

* Enhancing Sales Skills

* Goal Setting

* Organisational Health Survey.

Some of the repeated and Popular Training Programs

S.No Program Duration Participants
1 People Skills One day Mgrs Supervisors
2 Emotional Intelligence One day Mgrs Supervisors
3 Trusted Leadership One day Supervisors
4 Supervisory Development One day Supervisors
5 My Company - My Role Combined Sessions Managers, Supervisors and Blue Collors
6 Life Management One day Mgrs Supervisors
7 Decision Making One day Mgrs Supervisors
8 Stress Management One day Mgrs Supervisors
9 Happy Living One day Mgrs Supervisors
10 Time Management Two days Mgrs Supervisors Urgent & important
11 Productive Communcation Two days Mgrs Supervisors
12 Conflict Management One day Mgrs Supervisors
13 Team Building One day Mgrs Supervisors
14 Negotiation Skills One day Mgrs Supervisors
15 Executional Excellence Half day Mgrs Supervisors
16 Sales Sales & Business Develeopment Two days Supervisors
17 Statutory Requirement One day HR
18 Positive IR/ER One day HR
19 Small Group Activities One day HR
20 Targetted Selection One day HR
21 Employee Selection/Interview One day HR
22 PMP Two days HR
S.No Program Duration Participants
1 People Skills One day Blue Collar
2 Emotional Intelligence One day Blue Collar
3 My Personal Intelligence One day Blue Collar
4 I am Extraordinary One day Supervisors
5 My Company - My Role One day Combined Sessions Managers, Supervisors and Blue Collors
6 Life Management - Blue Collar
7 Decision Making - Blue Collar
8 Creativity & Problem Solving - Blue Collar
9 Happy Living - Blue Collar
10 Time Management Two days Blue Collar Urgent & important
11 Productive Communcation Two days Blue Collar
12 Motivation - Blue Collar
13 Team Building - Blue Collar
14 Negotiation Skills - Blue Collar

For more information:



What Participants say,

Saint Gobain

YOU CAN DO IT- Program By Soma Valliappan - 14 Batches-600 Managers, Executives and Team members

Saint Gobain, Sriperumandur, TN

Summary of feedback by participants:

" 1. Mind rejuvenating programme. Clearly makes to think where we are, how we can set right. Worth timing. Thanks

2. Examples given are good and mind changing. Very much time precise and good information. Slides and images are good. Language medium is the only difficulty May be converted to English will be good

3. Your programme is very good and I feel and get into the topic deeply because your way of approach. Also you are speaking local language it helps to reach the matter to all. It is one of the good time for me to realise the good thing to follow

4.Really inspiring and mind blowing experience the way of learning and reason to be honest is explained in a best way with excellent,conceptual, practical contents. The overall experience from the programme opened the heart and thoughtful forever to attain self esteem

5. It is very useful programme for each and every one because it will help us to shape our personality to reconsider ourselves and make us a standard person. This programme will help us to demonstrate how we have to behave in this society to increase our value and improve our standards. By acting in the right way we can show a good example to others and give a strong message to others. Thanks

6. First thing we are appreciating the company for providing this .This is not only for organisation and it’s for everybody life (human life). This is excellent programme I really thanks to faculty Mr. Soma Valliappan

7. A good session to reflect and think of values in life. One needs to have a constant introspect with one’s life. Give us a belief to be loyal and integral to company, family and society as a whole. A must attend for all employees

8. Excellent trainer well knowledgeable in work skills excellent. Should be a full day training programme should be provided every year. Thanks for the programme HR Saint Gobain

9. A very good programme which evoke a lot of thought. A correct way of living is always rewarded with inner peace I am very fortunate to attend this session Thank you so much for your valuable time and effort

10. No meaning in living when you have nothing to die for Decision can change something but determination can change anything Find yourself to live better life

11. Honesty integrity and self-esteem, Accept mistakes, Punish yourself for mistakes Don’t show negligence in work (small big), Give respect If you know mistake correct it from today

12.A program which is with good intentions and points Covered well But may be not meant for me Could have been much better by means of knowing the audience better Company also could have played a good role in doing that

13. Very good training. Really eye opening this training would have been given much earlier

14. A very good program. This is the program highly needed for this generation from this program my key takings are Self-personal standards, Have life driven by heart, Practice self-talks One day you will be seen as a role model by the society

15. It is one of the best programme and I never attended this type of programme earlier This programme makes to me perfect

16. It’s a very good program It’s purely related to mind taking decisions If we change our thoughts we the better."

Time Management program for PG Students of Greatlakes Institute of Management, Mahabalipuram, TN

" The Feedback score for the module on Time Management that you offered is 4.42 our of 5

The following comments were also captured from the audience.

1. Explaining about smart goals is very practical. It will help in my overall development personally as well as professional

2. He conducted the module with his own experience. No boring thought Overall it is an excellent program. I realized that applying it in my personal & professional life.

3. The things I learnt is concentrate on even small things which we are lacking on day to day life

4. Need to cover some more conflict management & personality development

5. Excellent presentation from the faculty.

I think this is a good beginning – and we look forward to having you offer services in future also."

K.Palaniappan, Rathna Group

" Firstly, thanking you for accepting our invitation to come down to Coimbatore and hope the hospitality was to your satisfaction.

'Training for Results' – This is how I would like to summarize the effect of the recent meeting held for RATHNA Managers by you

It was a meeting that was very fruitful on all grounds. It was the very simple down to earth approach from your end that created an environment for my Managers to make the meeting a very interactive one and encouraged participation. Your astute approach put the group at ease making my managers to understand the importance of these types of meetings and it goes without saying that they have recommended to me to have such meetings in the near future also."

My summarization is concluded on the grounds that after the meeting, those people who hardly used to come forward for discussion have understood the importance of the same and have come forward to discuss with me, which I am sure will help in the growth of RATHNA. The objective of the meet was very specific, realistic, simple and now measurable when people tell me now how important are “SOP’s” for their work. I am glad that the evaluation process is on and I wish you all the success in your endeavors in delivering Industry leaders with service excellence."

List of Organizations which utilized the Training services of Dr.Soma Valliappan

Training Memories

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